North Stafford Center for Building and Technology Green Wall
Stafford County, VA
Legacy provided geotechnical subsurface exploration services for a two-story 100,000 square foot building and related site development. Design services include the design of retaining walls that were very close to the building. Legacy provided a “green” basket reinforced wall which not only qualified for LEED credits, but was also less expensive than traditional segmental block wall. Segmental block walls were designed by Legacy within the two stormwater management (SWM) ponds in front of the building. The SWM Ponds and walls were part a requirement for the government tenant where access to the building was to be limited to potentially reduce terrorist attacks.
Testing and Inspection services were performed during construction that included Soils, Foundations, Concrete, Masonry, and Structural Steel.
Project Services: Geotechnical Engineering; Construction Engineering Inspection; Retaining Wall