October 2022
STAFFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA – October 5, 2022, Legacy Engineering is proud to welcome Jason D. Dauch, P.E., to serve as the firm’s Director of Geotechnical Engineering.

Jason has more than 20 years of experience in all faucets of geotechnical engineering working on a wide variety of public and private sector projects throughout Virginia. Jason started his geotechnical engineering career at Dominion Engineering Associates (DEA), which was recently acquired by Legacy Engineering in April 2022. Jason quickly worked his way up the ranks at DEA while simultaneously completing his bachelor’s degree and becoming a licensed engineer. In addition to his strong work ethic, Jason has excellent working knowledge of regional agencies and is well versed in federal, state, and local standards and regulations governing all aspects of geotechnical engineering.
Prior to joining Legacy Engineering, Jason worked as a Structural Engineer with Spotsylvania County’s Building Department working on numerous small-scale and large-scale building projects and major renovation projects including mission critical facilities and phased renovations.
“Jason’s in-depth knowledge of design and construction will allow him to successfully navigate diverse infrastructure projects for our clients,” says Sara Fila, President of Legacy Engineering. “His familiarity with our Geotechnical Engineering Department will allow for a smooth integration into our team and allow him to maintain excellent communication with our clients and the entire Legacy team. We are thrilled that he is coming back Legacy/DEA team!”
Jason earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering technology from Fairmont State University. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children.
Legacy Engineering is a full-service civil engineering firm specializing in construction inspection and materials testing, environmental services, geotechnical engineering, land development engineering, land surveying, and planning. Legacy is headquartered in Stafford County, Virginia and is a certified Small Women and Minority (SWaM) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm.