April 1, 2022
STAFFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA – Legacy Engineering has acquired Dominion Engineering Associates, Inc. (DEA), a geotechnical engineering firm based in northern Virginia. Legacy’s acquisition of DEA will diversify the firm’s services to include construction inspection and materials testing, environmental services, geotechnical engineering, land development engineering, land surveying, and planning.
“We have been intent on growing our operations and are thrilled about the opportunities this acquisition will create for our clients, as well as our employees, and business partners,” says Sara Fila, Legacy Engineering President. “DEA is a well-respected group with an impressive command of the geotechnical engineering and construction inspection and materials testing markets that align well with Legacy’s commitment to design excellence and creating value for our clients.”
About Dominion Engineering Associates, Inc. Founded in 2004, DEA provides services in geotechnical engineering, retaining wall design, and construction inspection and materials testing. DEA employs professional engineers, geologist, certified construction inspectors, project managers, and support personnel, serving both public- and private-sector clients throughout the Commonwealth.
Kevin L. Parris, founder of Dominion Engineering has moved into a new role as the Director of Geotechnical Engineering at Legacy Engineering. The organizational structure at DEA will largely remain unchanged, operating under the direction of its existing leadership team. “We will maintain the Manassas and Spotsylvania office locations, allowing us to continue to serve clients in those areas, while providing expanded access to Legacy’s resources and expertise,” says Kevin Parris, Director of Geotechnical Engineering. “We are all looking forward to our future with Legacy Engineering.”
Legacy Engineering, P.C. Legacy was established in 2014 and is a full-service civil engineering firm specializing in land development, surveying, and environmental services. Legacy is headquartered in Stafford County, Virginia and is a certified Small Women and Minority (SWaM) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm.
Legacy and DEA share a focus on cultivating highly talented, licensed professionals with an experienced foundation in engineering ideologies that serves the health, safety, and welfare of the public. These shared values and strong professional capabilities will ensure a seamless transition for clients and business partners.
To learn more about Legacy Engineering or to discuss partnership opportunities, please contact us at (540) 373-8350 or at info@legacy-eng.com.